Ecology Professionals in Newcastle, Sydney & Western NSW
de Witt Ecology is all about finding simple solutions to complex problems. We don’t see problems as a barrier; just an opportunity for solutions. We specialise in complex projects requiring a high level multi-disciplinary approach to achieve project aims. With our principal having over 25 years’ experience, he brings a team of skilled ecologists, GIS crew and mathematicians to deliver on the most difficult of projects. Give us a call to find out about our unique cost saving structures.
Our Ecology services include:
- Ecological Assessment Reports- Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS) reports, Biodiversity Assessment Reports (BAR), Review of Environmental Factors (REF), Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Species Impact Statements (SIS), Aquatic Assessment Report (AAR), Wetland Assessment Reports (WAR).
- Ecological Management Reports- Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report (BSSAR), Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR), Fauna Management Plan (FMP), Vegetation Management Plan (VMP), Wetland Management Plan (WMP), Aquatic Management Plan (AMP).
- Threatened Biodiversity- Specialist advice for wetlands, frogs and marsupials.
- GIS– including constraints analysis, concept and master planning, data representation and mapping, threatened species management, habitat modelling, and conservation planning.
- Raster capture and analysis- acquisition of multispectral images and thermal images using in-house unmanned aerial vehicles and satellite technology. Analysis of data capabilities includes; land change modelling, biodiversity modelling, occupancy modelling, habitat risk assessments, wind energy, coastal vulnerability, sediment retention, habitat quality and climate change adaption.
- Rehabilitation and Restoration– The de Witt Ecology principal completed his PhD in habitat creation and restoration ecology, he has also guided the largest wetland rehabilitation project ever undertaken in the southern hemisphere, restored and created habitat for many threatened species and has invented new technologies to improve endangered frog conservation.
Please click here for our Capability Statement
For more information on our range of services in Newcastle, Sydney and Western NSW, get in touch with our team today. We can tailor a solution to fit your needs.