This project involved the establishment of MGA and AHD (Major Survey Control Marks) in a region of the state where there is very limited survey control. Using CORSNET static datasets and traditional fast static methodologies the de Witt survey team designed, surveyed and adjusted a major control network suitable for the coordination, survey and design of the rail asset over the 87km section of track. The control survey was completed to SP1 standards. The experience of the de Witt team and approach allowed the project to proceed past milestones with minimum consultation with the client representative, as well as provide solutions to irregularities in adjoining MGA rail survey control networks. With track design required on 23 curves (approx. 20km) spread over the 87km project; minor survey control was established using Total Station and Digital Level observations coordinated from the overarching static major control network. Track surveys were completed using conventional methods and following the completion of the horizontal and vertical design by Parsons Brinkerhoff, the design alignment of the curves were marked with track control marks in accordance with John Holland Rail Country Regional Network requirements. Combined RTK, total station and static GNSS observations provided an efficient and project specific solution to all aspects of the survey and allowed the project to be completed in a limited timeframe.