Civil and Bridge Set Out Surveyor

Civil and Bridge Set Out Surveyor2024-10-04T16:46:22+10:00

Civil Set Out Surveyor in Newcastle, Hunter Region, Central Coast, Sydney & Western NSW

de Witt Consulting’s civil surveying services include works for large infrastructure providers, local councils and greenfield subdivision contractors to which we provide the following and are often associated with RMS’s G71 specification.

  • Control Surveys and control verification surveys for large scale civil and mining projects.
  • Replace damaged or removed Cadastral and SCIMS in accordance with survey General’s directions.
  • Drainage modelling and set out.
  • Road modelling and set out.
  • Bridge modelling, setout and conformance.
  • Conformance surveys.
  • Work as executed surveys.
  • Volume surveys and calculations.
  • Bill of quantity contract surveillance.

M1 Motorway – Kariong to Somersby Upgrade

de Witt Consulting are currently contracted to Fulton Hogan to provide survey services regarding all associated civil works to the M1 upgrade. Our services have included: Set out and conformance of stormwater drainage, underground services, earthworks, continuous concrete pavement and [...]

New England Highway – Roads and Maritime Services

de Witt Consulting have recently supplied survey services direct to RMS for the upgrade of the New England and Golden Highways in various locations within the Upper Hunter. Our services have included: Machine control modelling and survey set out modelling. [...]

Please click here for our Capability Statement

For more information on our range of services in Newcastle, Sydney and Western NSW, get in touch with our team today. We can tailor a solution to fit your needs.

Get in touch

Newcastle (Hunter Region)

7 Canberra Street Charlestown NSW 2290

PH: 02 4942 5441

Mid-Western Region

87 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852

PH: 02 6374 2911

Central Coast

Shop 1 & 2, 134 Erina Street East, Gosford NSW 2250

PH: 02 4314 6249

Mid Coast

PO Box 49 Gloucester NSW 2422

PH: 02 6558 3082

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