Land & Property Development

Land & Property Development2024-10-04T16:18:53+10:00

Land Development & Property Surveyors in Newcastle, Hunter Region, Central Coast, Sydney & Western NSW

The land development team at de Witt Consulting include Registered Surveyors and Town Planners with a wealth of experience and know how across residential, industrial and commercial developments. Our people are experts in providing advice and services from the initial concept stage right through to the registration of the final plan.


de Witt Consulting has been involved with small Torrens Title dual occupancy developments through to large scale greenfield subdivisions on behalf of our clients since establishment of the company in 2003. de Witt’s experienced team can offer advice and provide [...]

Strata Plan Subdivision

de Witt Consulting has been involved with strata subdivisions of dual occupancies through to complex staged strata schemes and stratum subdivisions involving a number of separate strata schemes. Working with developers, builders, architects, strata managers, solicitors, certifiers, Councils, estate agents [...]

Community Title

The Community Title legislation was created in 1973 to fill the void between traditional methods of subdivision and strata subdivision (previously the only methods of subdividing land in NSW). The effect of the legislation enabled shared or community property to [...]

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For more information on our range of services in Newcastle, Sydney and Western NSW, get in touch with our team today. We can tailor a solution to fit your needs.

Get in touch

Newcastle (Hunter Region)

7 Canberra Street Charlestown NSW 2290

PH: 02 4942 5441

Mid-Western Region

87 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852

PH: 02 6374 2911

Central Coast

Shop 1 & 2, 134 Erina Street East, Gosford NSW 2250

PH: 02 4314 6249

Mid Coast

PO Box 49 Gloucester NSW 2422

PH: 02 6558 3082

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