Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment in Newcastle, Central Coast, Sydney & Western NSW

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA) are a requirement for certain Development Applications.

The potential visual impact on landscape and visual receptors is derived from changes in the landscape, its character and how this is experienced. Effects may have different levels of significance (e.g. high, moderate, low) depending on the sensitivity of the visual receptors and the magnitude of change.

Landscapes are an important consideration of a proposed development because of the value that individuals, communities and public bodies attach to them. They are a shared resource which are as important in their own right as they are a public good. Landscapes will continue to evolve and change with communities and these changes are driven by the requirements for development to meet the needs of a growing population.

de Witt Consulting’s LVIA Professionals understand that changes to the landscape are more than visual and include a range of physical and perceptual factors. Therefore determining visual impact requires a methodical approach to ensure subjectivity is mitigated while all potential effects are comprehensively assessed.

Our LVIA Professionals offer a unique approach by incorporating spatial analyses using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and producing high-quality assessments that are founded on internationally recognised best practice and are tailored to the needs of individual projects. This includes:

  • Identifying the appropriate scope of assessment.
  • Undertaking the LVIA in accordance with international best practice as well as relevant local planning guidelines.
  • Incorporating in-house Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial analyses and supporting material.
  • Coordinating with specialist consultants to provide photomontages and other visual material.
  • Recommending mitigation measures to be incorporated into the development’s design to alleviate any adverse effects.

Our unique approach to LVIA has proven to minimise costly delays in assessment processes.

Please click here for our Capability Statement

For more information on our range of services in Newcastle, Sydney and Western NSW, get in touch with our team today. We can tailor a solution to fit your needs.