Mine Surveying

Ulan West

Ulan West was the underground expansion of the existing coal mine and surface infrastructure at Ulan, NSW. As Project Surveyors our role included the placement and verification of survey control, detail surveys of existing conveyors and structures, detail surveys to [...]

Cobbora Coal Project

de Witt Consulting has provided ongoing surveying services to the Cobbora Coal Project, an extensive proposed mining project west of the Hunter Valley. The project had a massive project application area of approximately 27,000 hectares. Following the approval of the [...]

Get in touch

Newcastle (Hunter Region)

7 Canberra Street Charlestown NSW 2290

PH: 02 4942 5441

Mid-Western Region

87 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852

PH: 02 6374 2911

Central Coast

Shop 1 & 2, 134 Erina Street East, Gosford NSW 2250

PH: 02 4314 6249

Mid Coast

PO Box 49 Gloucester NSW 2422

PH: 02 6558 3082

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