Preservation of Survey Infrastructure

Preservation of Survey Infrastructure2024-10-04T16:53:16+10:00

Plan of Survey Information in Newcastle, Hunter Region, Central Coast, Sydney & Western NSW

Section 24(1) of the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002 states that a person must not remove, damage, destroy, displace, obliterate or deface any survey mark unless authorised to do so by the Surveyor General.

There are procedures in place for times when a survey mark has to be removed or replaced.

Our Registered surveyors can guide you through the requirements of the legislation to ensure compliance.

Preservation of Survey Infrastructure – Balcolyn

de Witt Consulting was engaged by Stephen Edwards Constructions in June 2019 to complete the required survey to manage the preservation of survey infrastructure which were to be destroyed during major construction works.  de Witt Consulting has built relationships [...]

Pacific Highway

de Witt Consulting managed the survey control network and the Preservation of Survey Infrastructure (POSI) requirements for Lend Lease on the 23km Oxley Highway to Kundabung Project in accordance with RMS Specification G71. This 23 kilometre project was the southern [...]

Supercars – Newcastle 500

de Witt Consulting were initially engaged by Supercars Pty Ltd in February 2017 to manage all aspects of the survey infrastructure preservation for the project. This involved close collaboration with designers (Northrop Consulting Engineers), Land and Property Information NSW (LPI), [...]

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For more information on our range of services in Newcastle, Sydney and Western NSW, get in touch with our team today. We can tailor a solution to fit your needs.

Get in touch

Newcastle (Hunter Region)

7 Canberra Street Charlestown NSW 2290

PH: 02 4942 5441

Mid-Western Region

87 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852

PH: 02 6374 2911

Central Coast

Shop 1 & 2, 134 Erina Street East, Gosford NSW 2250

PH: 02 4314 6249

Mid Coast

PO Box 49 Gloucester NSW 2422

PH: 02 6558 3082

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