Town Planning

Residential Dwellings

de Witt Consulting undertakes the preparation of Development Applications and coordinates relevant subconsultants for a variety of smaller scale projects including dwellings, alterations and additions. Such projects benefit from the input of our team throughout the process, particularly from our [...]

Seniors Living Development

Uniting Care engaged de Witt Consulting as the statutory Town Planning consultant for the expansion of a retirement village to accommodate 100 independent living units (ILUs), a 60-bed residential aged care facility (RACF), associated community infrastructure and services (including 30 [...]

Get in touch

Newcastle (Hunter Region)

7 Canberra Street Charlestown NSW 2290

PH: 02 4942 5441

Mid-Western Region

87 Herbert Street Gulgong NSW 2852

PH: 02 6374 2911

Central Coast

Shop 1 & 2, 134 Erina Street East, Gosford NSW 2250

PH: 02 4314 6249

Mid Coast

PO Box 49 Gloucester NSW 2422

PH: 02 6558 3082

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